irc: channel: "#changeme" username: "changeme" oauth_token: # leave this blank to start the token generator server: "" clearmsg_timeout: 10 http: port: 80 bind: "localhost" bot: start_enabled: True subonly: False modonly: False message_length: 200 messages: toff: "TTS is now inactive." ton: "TTS is now active." too_long: "Sorry, your TTS message is too long." disabled: "Sorry, TTS is disabled right now." denied: "Sorry, you are not allowed to use TTS." whitelist: "Sorry, you are not allowed to use TTS." subonly: "Sorry, TTS is a sub-only feature." modonly: "Sorry, TTS is a mod-only feature." ready: "TTS bot alpha ready!" says: "says" votestart: "Quickvote started. Send #yourchoice to participate." voteend: "Quickvote ended. The results are:" votenobody: "Nobody casted a vote. :(" votes: "Votes" log: level: "INFO" usermapping: gpkvt: "gpk"