#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import yaml import logging import socket import sys import time import datetime import socketserver from threading import Thread from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from urllib.parse import parse_qs class IRC: irc = socket.socket() def __init__(self): self.irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.tts_denied = [] self.tts_allowed = [] self.tts_status = True if 'WHITELIST_USER' in conf: self.tts_allowed = conf['WHITELIST_USER'] def connect(self, server, port, channel, botnick, botpass): logging.info("Connecting to: " + server) try: self.irc.connect((server, port)) except ConnectionResetError: logging.fatal('Twitch refused to connect, please check your settings and try again.') sys.exit(252) self.irc.settimeout(1) self.irc.send(bytes("PASS " + botpass + "\r\n", "UTF-8")) self.irc.send(bytes("USER " + botnick + " " + botnick +" " + botnick + " :python\r\n", "UTF-8")) self.irc.send(bytes("NICK " + botnick + "\r\n", "UTF-8")) self.irc.send(bytes("CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands twitch.tv/tags \r\n", "UTF-8")) time.sleep(5) try: self.irc.send(bytes("JOIN " + channel + "\r\n", "UTF-8")) except ConnectionResetError: self.irc.send(bytes("JOIN " + channel + "\r\n", "UTF-8")) def sendpriv(self, channel, user, msg): self.irc.send(bytes("PRIVMSG "+channel+" :"+user+" "+msg+"\r\n", "UTF-8")) def get_response(self): try: resp = self.irc.recv(2048).decode("UTF-8") logging.debug('resp:') logging.debug(resp) except socket.timeout: return False except: sys.exit(255) if resp.find('PING') != -1: logging.debug('PING received') self.irc.send(bytes('PONG :tmi.twitch.tv\r\n', "UTF-8")) if resp.find('CLEARMSG') != -1: logging.info('CLEARMSG received') msgid = False global msg_queue_raw filtered_msg_queue = [] tags = resp.split(';') for tag in tags: if "target-msg-id=" in tag: msgid = tag.rsplit('target-msg-id=',1)[1] logging.debug('Trying to suppress message') logging.debug(msgid) for msg in list(msg_queue_raw): if msg['msgid'] == msgid: logging.info('Suppressing message '+str(msgid)) else: filtered_msg_queue.append(msg) msg_queue_raw = filtered_msg_queue return True if resp.find('PRIVMSG') != -1: logging.debug('PRIVMSG received') badges = False subscriber = False msgid = False msg = False msglen = False user = False tts = False tags = resp.split(';') for tag in tags: if tag.startswith('badges='): badges = tag.rsplit('badges=',1)[1] if tag.startswith('subscriber='): subscriber = tag.rsplit('subscriber=',1)[1] logging.debug('Subscriber: '+str(subscriber)) if tag.startswith('id='): msgid = tag.rsplit('id=',1)[1] logging.debug('Message ID: '+str(msgid)) if tag.startswith('display-name='): user = tag.rsplit('display-name=',1)[1] logging.debug('Username: '+str(user)) msg = resp.rsplit('PRIVMSG #',1)[1] msg = msg.split(':',1)[1] msg = msg.replace('\r\n','') msglen = len(msg) logging.debug('Msg:') logging.debug(msg) logging.debug('Msg length: '+str(msglen)) if 'broadcaster' in badges or 'moderator' in badges: if msg.startswith('!dtts'): logging.debug("!dtts command detected") user = msg.replace('!dtts', '').strip() if user.startswith('@'): logging.debug('Removing "@" from username') user = user.replace('@', '') if user not in self.tts_denied: logging.info("Adding "+str(user)+" to deny list") self.tts_denied.append(user) if user in self.tts_allowed: logging.info("Removing "+str(user)+" from allowed list") self.tts_allowed.remove(user) if msg.startswith('!ptts'): logging.debug("!ptts command detected") user = msg.replace('!ptts', '').strip() if user.startswith('@'): logging.debug('Removing "@" from username') user = user.replace('@', '') logging.info("Adding "+str(user)+" to whitelist") self.tts_allowed.append(user) if user in self.tts_denied: logging.info("Removing "+str(user)+" from deny list") self.tts_denied.remove(user) logging.debug('Deny List:') logging.debug(self.tts_denied) if msg.startswith('!toff'): logging.info('TTS is now turned off') msg_queue.clear() self.tts_status = False if msg.startswith('!ton'): logging.info('TTS is now turned on') msg_queue.clear() self.tts_status = True if msg.startswith('!tts'): logging.debug('!tts command detected') if msglen > conf['IRC_TTS_LEN']: logging.info('TTS message is to long') self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['TOO_LONG']) return False if not self.tts_status: logging.info('TTS is disabled') self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['DISABLED']) return False if user in self.tts_denied: logging.info(str(user) + " is not allowed to use TTS") self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['DENIED']) return False if conf['IRC_SUBONLY']: if subscriber != "0" or 'moderator' in badges or 'broadcaster' in badges: logging.debug('TTS is sub-only and user has allowance') else: logging.info('TTS is sub-only') self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['SUBONLY']) return False if conf['IRC_MODONLY']: if 'moderator' in badges or 'broadcaster' in badges: logging.debug('TTS is mod-only and user has allowance') else: logging.info('TTS is sub-only') self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['MODONLY']) return False if conf['WHITELIST']: if self.tts_allowed: if not user in self.tts_allowed: logging.info('User is not on whitelist') logging.info(self.tts_allowed) self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['WHITELISTONLY']) return False else: logging.info('Nobody is on the whitelist.') self.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], "@"+str(user), conf['MESSAGE']['WHITELISTONLY']) return False logging.info('Valid TTS message, adding to raw queue') tts = True now = datetime.datetime.now() msg = msg.replace('!tts','',1) msg = {"TTS": tts, "msg": msg, "badges": badges, "subscriber": subscriber, "msgid": msgid, "user": user, "length": msglen, "queuetime": now, "timestamp": str(time.time_ns())} msg_queue_raw.append(msg) return resp class HTTPserv(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def log_message(self, format, *args): return def do_GET(self): if self.path == '/': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() with open("tts.html", "rb") as fh: html = fh.read() self.wfile.write(html) elif self.path == '/favicon.ico': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'image/x-icon') self.end_headers() with open("favicon.ico", "rb") as fh: icon = fh.read() self.wfile.write(icon) elif self.path == '/tts.js': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/javascript') self.end_headers() with open("tts.js", "rb") as fh: html = fh.read() self.wfile.write(html) elif self.path == '/jquery.js': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/javascript') self.end_headers() with open("jquery.js", "rb") as fh: html = fh.read() self.wfile.write(html) elif self.path == '/bootstrap.min.css': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/css') self.end_headers() with open("bootstrap.min.css", "rb") as fh: html = fh.read() self.wfile.write(html) elif self.path.startswith('/tts_queue'): tts_json = "" tts = {} self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/json') self.end_headers() usermap = conf['USERMAP'] sorted_tts = {k: msg_queue[k] for k in sorted(msg_queue, reverse=False)} for key in list(sorted_tts.keys()): if key not in tts_done: if msg_queue[key][0].lower() in usermap: tts = {key: usermap[msg_queue[key][0].lower()]+" "+str(conf['MESSAGE']['SAYS'])+":"+msg_queue[key][1]} else: tts = {key: msg_queue[key][0]+" "+str(conf['MESSAGE']['SAYS'])+":"+msg_queue[key][1]} tts_json = json.dumps(tts) self.wfile.write(bytes(str(tts_json)+"\n", "utf-8")) elif self.path.startswith('/tts_done'): get_params = parse_qs(self.path) if '/tts_done?id' in get_params: logging.info("Removing message from queue") tts_done.append(get_params['/tts_done?id'][0]) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes("OK\n", "utf-8")) else: self.send_response(500) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes("Internal Server error\n", "utf-8")) else: self.send_response(404) self.send_header('Server', 'TTS') self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(bytes("File not found.\n", "utf-8")) return def http_serve_forever(httpd): httpd.serve_forever() def load_config(): logging.info("Loading configfile") try: with open("config.yml", "r") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.Loader) except FileNotFoundError: logging.fatal('Your config file is missing, please copy config-dist.yml to config.yml and review your settings.') sys.exit(253) for section in cfg: try: logging.debug('Fetching config: '+str(section)) conf['IRC_CHANNEL'] = cfg['irc']['channel'] or False conf['IRC_USERNAME'] = cfg['irc']['username'] or False conf['IRC_OAUTH_TOKEN'] = cfg['irc']['oauth_token'] or False conf['IRC_SERVER'] = cfg['irc']['server'] or "irc.chat.twitch.tv" conf['IRC_CLEARMSG_TIMEOUT'] = cfg['irc']['clearmsg_timeout'] or 10 conf['IRC_SUBONLY'] = cfg['bot']['subonly'] or False conf['IRC_MODONLY'] = cfg['bot']['modonly'] or False conf['IRC_TTS_LEN'] = cfg['bot']['message_length'] or 200 conf['LOG_LEVEL'] = cfg['log']['level'] or "INFO" conf['HTTP_PORT'] = cfg['http']['port'] or 80 conf['HTTP_BIND'] = cfg['http']['bind'] or "localhost" conf['MESSAGE'] = {} conf['MESSAGE']['TOO_LONG'] = cfg['messages']['too_long'] or "Sorry, your message is too long" conf['MESSAGE']['DISABLED'] = cfg['messages']['disabled'] or "Sorry, TTS is disabled." conf['MESSAGE']['DENIED'] = cfg['messages']['denied'] or "Sorry, you're not allowed to use TTS." conf['MESSAGE']['SUBONLY'] = cfg['messages']['subonly'] or "Sorry, TTS is sub-only." conf['MESSAGE']['MODONLY'] = cfg['messages']['modonly'] or "Sorry, TTS is mod-only." conf['MESSAGE']['READY'] = cfg['messages']['ready'] or "TTS bot is ready." conf['MESSAGE']['WHITELISTONLY'] = cfg['messages']['whitelist'] or False conf['MESSAGE']['SAYS'] = cfg['messages']['says'] or "says" conf['USERMAP'] = cfg['usermapping'] or [] if 'whitelist' in cfg: conf['WHITELIST'] = True conf['WHITELIST_USER'] = cfg['whitelist'] else: conf['WHITELIST'] = False except KeyError: logging.exception('Your config file is invalid, please check and try again.') sys.exit(254) if conf['WHITELIST']: logging.info('Whitelist mode enabled') logging.debug('Whitelist:') logging.debug(conf['WHITELIST_USER']) if not conf['IRC_CHANNEL']: raise ValueError('Please add your twitch channel to config.yml.') if not conf['IRC_USERNAME']: raise ValueError('Please add the bots username to config.yml.') if not conf['IRC_OAUTH_TOKEN']: raise ValueError('Please add the bots oauth-token to config.yml.') if not conf['IRC_OAUTH_TOKEN'].startswith('oauth:'): raise ValueError('Your oauth-token is invalid, it has to start with: "oauth:"') return conf conf = {} tts_done = [] msg_queue_raw = [] msg_queue = {} logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(module)s %(threadName)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') sys.tracebacklimit = 1 def main(): conf = load_config() lastreload = datetime.datetime.now() logging.getLogger().setLevel(conf['LOG_LEVEL']) if conf['LOG_LEVEL'] == 'DEBUG': sys.tracebacklimit = 5 logging.info("Starting Webserver") httpd = socketserver.TCPServer((conf['HTTP_BIND'], conf['HTTP_PORT']), HTTPserv) httpd.allow_reuse_port = True httpd.allow_reuse_address = True http_thread = Thread(target=http_serve_forever, daemon=True, args=(httpd, )) http_thread.start() logging.info("Starting IRC bot") irc = IRC() irc.connect(conf['IRC_SERVER'], 6667, conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], conf['IRC_USERNAME'], conf['IRC_OAUTH_TOKEN']) irc.sendpriv(conf['IRC_CHANNEL'], 'MrDestructoid', conf['MESSAGE']['READY']) logging.info("Please open your browser and visit: http://"+str(conf['HTTP_BIND']+":"+str(conf['HTTP_PORT'])+"/")) while True: if conf['LOG_LEVEL'] == "DEBUG": time.sleep(1) try: irc.get_response() if not irc.tts_status: logging.debug("TTS is disabled") if conf['LOG_LEVEL'] == "DEBUG": time.sleep(1) continue confreload = datetime.datetime.now() if confreload - lastreload > datetime.timedelta(seconds=60): conf = load_config() lastreload = datetime.datetime.now() logging.debug('Raw message queue:') logging.debug(msg_queue_raw) for raw_msg in msg_queue_raw: logging.debug('Raw msg:') logging.debug(msg_queue_raw) now = datetime.datetime.now() if now - raw_msg['queuetime'] > datetime.timedelta(seconds=conf['IRC_CLEARMSG_TIMEOUT']): logging.debug('clearmsg_timeout reached') if raw_msg['timestamp'] not in msg_queue: logging.info('Sending TTS message') msg_queue[raw_msg['timestamp']] = [raw_msg['user'], raw_msg['msg']] logging.debug(msg_queue) else: logging.debug('Msg is already in queue') except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info('Exiting...') sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()