version: '2' services: rtmp: ports: # RTMP Port - "1935:1935" # Webserver Port - "80:80" environment: # STREAMKEY is used for RTMP-Authentication, it must be your full RTMP-URL, e.g.: rtmp:// # Use NOAUTH to disable this feature - STREAMKEY=NOAUTH # Hostname/IP to access your OBS Websocket as viewed from Docker-Container (host.docker.internal should work) - OBS_URL=host.docker.internal # Port to access OBS Websocket - OBS_PORT=4444 # Password for OBS Websocket and webremote - OBS_PASSWORD=SECURE_PASSWORD # Scene in OBS you use before you start the Stream (will not be switched automatically) - OBS_START_SCENE=START # Scene in OBS you use while being live, will be switched to OBS_BRB_SCENE when your bitrate drops below LOW_BITRATE - OBS_LIVE_SCENE=LIVE # Scene in OBS that will use during your bitrate is below LOW_BITRATE. Will be switched to OBS_START_SCENE when bitrate recovers - OBS_BRB_SCENE=BRB # Scene in OBS you use for a short break (MUST start with FORCED_ if it shouldn't be switched automatically) - OBS_FORCED_BRB_SCENE=FORCED_BRB # OBS offline scene - OBS_OFFLINE_SCENE=OFFLINE # Webremote chat height (in pixel) - CHAT_HEIGHT=500 # Threshold (kbits/sec.) for switching from OBS_LIVE_SCENE to OBS_BRB_SCENE - LOW_BITRATE=300 # URL to get RTMP statistics from (for bitrate, etc.), default value should work fine - RTMP_STAT_URL=http://localhost/stat # Name of RTMP Stream to monitor (bitrate, etc.) - RTMP_STREAM_NAME=live # Set LIVEU to True if you own a LiveU and want to have status infos in webremote - LIVEU=False # Timeout for LiveU Authentication Token - LIVEU_TOKEN_TTL=14000 # username - # password (encrypted, use the developer tools in your browser to get the proper value from POST) - LIVEU_PASSWORD=SECURE_LIVEU_PASSWORD # LiveU Login URL (default should word fine) - LIVEU_URL= # Your LiveU Unit ID (usually starts with "Boss100_") - LIVEU_UNIT=LIVEU_UNIT_ID # Your LiveU Unit URL (e.g. - LIVEU_API=LIVEU_UNIT_URL # Twitch Name of your channel, set this to "False" to deactivate the bot - IRC_CHANNEL=False # Twitch Username of your IRL Bot (e.g. your own username) # Must be an existing Twitch account - IRC_USERNAME=WorldsBestBot # Twitch OAuth-Token, without "oauth:"-prefix (you can use to generate one) - IRC_OAUTH_TOKEN=123456789012345678901234567890 # Time between the bots reacts to commands (doesn't affect broadcaster and mods) - IRC_COOLDOWN=30 # Message to anyone who enters the chat (username will be appended automatically) # Set this to "False" (without quotes) if you don't want the bot to greet new chatters - IRC_GREETER_WELCOME=False # Emote(s) to append to IRC_GREETER_WELCOME (after the username) - IRC_GREETER_EMOTE=HeyGuys # Emote the bot sends when activated - IRC_BOT_EMOTE=MrDestructoid # Message-Prefix for bitrate message (do not use quotes) - IRC_BITRATE_MSG_PRE=Current bitrate # Message-Suffix for bitrate message (do not use quotes) - IRC_BITRATE_MSG_SUF=kBit/sec. # In which interval should a low bitrate message be posted? - IRC_LOW_BITRATE_MSG_INTERVAL=30 # Message-Prefix for !bitrate command - IRC_BITRATE_MSG_PREFIX="Current bitrate:" # Pushover User-Key for Push-Notifications - PUSHOVER_USER_KEY= # Pushover App-Token for Push-Notifications - PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN= # Are you on a mobile plan with dayflats? - DAYFLAT=True # Logfile verbosity (valid values are: CRITICAL, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG) # In a production environment you should use CRITICAL or WARNING, otherwise logfiles will get very large. - LOG_LEVEL=CRITICAL # Use external data (see Wiki for details) - EXTDATA=False # Integrate external TTS-Bot (see - TTS=False