print_info () { prin prin "------------------------------------------------------------" info title #info underline prin "------------------------------------------------------------" #info "Host" model info "OS" distro info "Kernel" kernel info "Uptime" uptime #info "Packages" packages #prin "Updates" $(apt-get -q -y --ignore-hold --allow-change-held-packages --allow-unauthenticated -s dist-upgrade | /bin/grep ^Inst | wc -l) info "Shell" shell #info "Resolution" resolution #info "DE" de #info "WM" wm #info "WM Theme" wm_theme #info "Theme" theme #info "Icons" icons #info "Terminal" term #info "Terminal Font" term_font prin "------------------------------------------------------------" #prin info "CPU" cpu #info "GPU" gpu #info "CPUsage" cpu_usage info "Memory" memory info "Disk" disk info "Battery" battery # The lines below with a '#' in front are additional info functions # that are disabled by default. Removing the '#' enables them and adding # a '#' to the start disables them again. You can add a '#' to any of the # lines in this function to disable their output. #info "Font" font #info "Song" song info "LAN IP" local_ip info "WAN IP" public_ip #info "Users" users #info "Birthday" birthday #prin prin "------------------------------------------------------------" #prin "Weather" "$(curl | awk '/°(C|F)/ {printf $(NF-1) $(NF) " ("a")"} /,/ {a=$0}')" #info cols }