#compdef openvpn3 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2011 Github zsh-users - https://github.com/zsh-users # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the zsh-users nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ZSH-USERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Description # ----------- # # Completion script for openvpn 3 (https://github.com/openvpn/openvpn3) (https://openvpn.net/openvpn-client-for-linux/). # version: 13_beta-1 (Jul 1 2021) # openvpn 3/Linux git:makepkg:2031975261858750 (openvpn3) # openvpn core 3.git:HEAD:ce0c9963 linux x86_64 64-bit # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Author # ------- # # * undg (https://github.com/undg) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local sessions_configs_names=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | grep 'Config name:' | awk '{print $3}' | xargs) local sessions_paths=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | grep 'Path:' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs) local sessions_interfaces=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | grep 'Device:' | awk '{print $4}' | xargs) local sessions_users=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | grep 'Owner:' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs) local sessions_names=$(openvpn3 sessions-list | grep 'Session name:' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs) local configs_names=$(openvpn3 configs-list | awk 'count&&!--count; /\/net\/openvpn\//{count=2}' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs) local configs_paths=$(openvpn3 configs-list | grep '/net/openvpn/v3/configuration/' | xargs) _openvpn3_config-acl(){ _arguments \ {-s,--show}"[Show the current access control lists]" \ {-o,--path}"[OBJ-PATH Path to the configuration in the configuration manager]: :($configs_paths)" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($configs_names)" \ {-S,--seal}"[Make the configuration profile permanently read-only]" \ {-R,--revoke}"[ Revoke this user access from this configuration profile]" \ {-G,--grant}"[ Grant this user access to this configuration profile]" \ "--public-access[ Set/unset the public access flag]" \ "--lock-down[ Set/unset the lock-down flag.Will disable config retrieval for users]: :(true false)" \ "--config-path[OBJ-PATH Alias for --path]: :($configs_paths)" \ } _openvpn3_config-import(){ _arguments \ {-p,--persistent}"[Make the configuration profile persistent through service restarts]" \ {-n,--name}"[NAME Provide a different name for the configuration (default: CFG-FILE)]" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CFG-FILE Configuration file to import]: :_files" \ } _openvpn3_config-manage(){ _arguments \ {-s,--show}"[Show current configuration options]" \ {-r,--rename}"[NEW-CONFIG-NAME Renames the configuration]" \ {-o,--path}"[CONFIG-PATH Path to the configuration in the configuration manager]: :($configs_paths)" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($configs_names)" \ "--unset-override[ Removes the override]" \ "--tls-version-min[ Sets the minimal TLS version for the control channel]: :(tls_1_0 tls_1_1 tls_1_2 tls_1_3)" \ "--tls-cert-profile[ Sets the control channel tls profile]: :(legacy preferred suiteb)" \ "--server-override[ Replace the remote, connecting to this server instead the server specified in the configuration]" \ "--proxy-username[ HTTP Proxy username to authenticate as]" \ "--proxy-port[ HTTP Proxy port to connect on]" \ "--proxy-password[ HTTP Proxy password to use for authentication]" \ "--proxy-host[ HTTP Proxy to connect via, overrides configuration file http-proxy]" \ "--proxy-auth-cleartext[ Adds the boolean override proxy-auth-cleartext]: :(true false)" \ "--proto-override[ Overrides the protocol being used]: :(tcp upd)" \ "--port-override[ Replace the remote port, connecting to this port instead of the configuration value]" \ "--persist-tun[ Adds the boolean override persist-tun]: :(true false)" \ "--ipv6[ Sets the IPv6 policy of the client]: :(yes no default)" \ "--force-cipher-aes-cbc[ Adds the boolean override force-cipher-aes-cbc]: :(true false)" \ "--dns-sync-lookup[ Adds the boolean override dns-sync-lookup]: :(true false)" \ "--dns-setup-disabled[ Adds the boolean override dns-setup-disabled]: :(true false)" \ "--dns-fallback-google[ Adds the boolean override dns-fallback-google]: :(true false)" \ "--config-path[CONFIG-PATH Alias for --path]: :($configs_paths)" \ "--auth-fail-retry[ Adds the boolean override auth-fail-retry]: :(true false)" \ "--allow-compression[ Set compression mode]: :(no asym yes)" \ } _openvpn3_config-remove(){ _arguments \ {-o,--path}"[OBJ-PATH Path to the configuration in the configuration manager]: :($configs_paths)" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($configs_names)" \ "--force[Force the deletion process without asking for confirmation]" \ "--config-path[OBJ-PATH Alias for --path]: :($configs_paths)" \ } _openvpn3_config-show(){ _arguments \ {-o,--path}"[OBJ-PATH Path to the configuration in the configuration manager]: :($configs_paths)" \ {-j,--json}"[Dump the configuration in JSON format]" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($configs_names)" \ "--config-path[OBJ-PATH Alias for --path]: :($configs_paths)" \ } _openvpn3_configs-list(){ _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ } _openvpn3_help(){ _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ } _openvpn3_log(){ _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --session-path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($sessions_configs_names $configs_names)" \ {-I,--interface}"[INTERFACE Alternative to --session-path, where tun interface name is used instead]: :($sessions_interfaces)" \ "--session-path[SESSION-PATH Receive log events for a specific session]: :($sessions_paths)" \ "--log-level[LOG-LEVEL Set the log verbosity level of messages to be shown (default: 4)]" \ "--config-events[Receive log events issued by the configuration manager]" \ } _openvpn3__session-acl(){ _arguments \ {-s,--show}"[Show the current access control lists]" \ {-o,--path}"[SESSION-PATH Path to the session in the session manager]: :($sessions_paths)" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($sessions_configs_names)" \ {-R,--revoke}"[ Revoke this user access from this session]" \ {-I,--interface}"[INTERFACE Alternative to --path, where tun interface name is used instead]: :($sessions_interfaces)" \ {-G,--grant}"[ Grant this user access to this session]" \ "--session-path[SESSION-PATH Alias for --path]: :($sessions_paths)" \ "--public-access[ Set/unset the public access flag]: :(true false)" \ "--allow-log-access[ Can users granted access also access the session log?]: :(true false)" \ } _openvpn3_session-manage(){ _arguments \ {-o,--path}"[SESSION-PATH Path to the session in the session manager]: :($sessions_paths)" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($sessions_configs_names)" \ {-R,--resume}"[Resumes a paused VPN session]" \ {-P,--pause}"[Pauses the VPN session]" \ {-I,--interface}"[INTERFACE Alternative to --path, where tun interface name is used instead]: :($sessions_interfaces)" \ {-D,--disconnect}"[Disconnects a VPN session]" \ "--session-path[SESSION-PATH Alias for --path]: :($sessions_paths)" \ "--restart[Disconnect and reconnect a running VPN session]" \ "--cleanup[Clean up stale sessions]" \ } _openvpn3_session-start(){ _arguments \ {-p,--config-path}"[CONFIG-PATH Configuration path to an already imported configuration]: :($configs_paths)" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-FILE Configuration file to start directly]: :_files" \ "--persist-tun[Enforces persistent tun/seamless tunnel (requires --config)]" \ } _openvpn3_session-stats(){ _arguments \ {-o,--path}"[SESSION-PATH Path to the configuration in the configuration manager]: :($sessions_paths)" \ {-j,--json}"[Dump the configuration in JSON format]" \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ {-c,--config}"[CONFIG-NAME Alternative to --path, where configuration profile name is used instead]: :($sessions_configs_names)" \ {-I,--interface}"[INTERFACE Alternative to --path, where tun interface name is used instead]: :($sessions_interfaces)" \ "--session-path[SESSION-PATH Alias for --path]: :($sessions_paths)" \ } _openvpn3_sessions-list(){ _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ } _openvpn3_shell-completion(){ _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ "--list-commands[List all available commands]" \ "--list-options[COMMAND List all available options for a specific command]: :($(openvpn3 shell-completion --list-commands))" \ "--arg-helper[OPTION Used together with --list-options, lists value hint to an option]" } _openvpn3_version(){ _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[This help screen]" \ } _openvpn3_command(){ local -a _openvpn3_cmds _openvpn3_cmds=( "config-acl: Manage access control lists for configurations" \ "config-import: Import configuration profiles" \ "config-manage: Manage configuration properties" \ "config-remove: Remove an available configuration profile" \ "config-show: Show/dump a configuration profile" \ "configs-list: List all available configuration profiles" \ "help: This help screen" \ "log: Receive log events as they occur" \ "session-acl: Manage access control lists for sessions" \ "session-manage: Manage VPN sessions" \ "session-start: Start a new VPN session" \ "session-stats: Show session statistics" \ "sessions-list: List available VPN sessions" \ "shell-completion: Helper function to provide shell completion data" \ "version: Show program version information" \ ) if ((CURRENT == 1)); then _describe -t commands 'openvpn3 commands' _openvpn3_cmds else local curcontext="$curcontext" cmd="${${_openvpn3_cmds[(r)$words[1]:*]%%:*}}" if (($#cmd)); then if (( $+functions[_openvpn3_$cmd] )); then _openvpn3_$cmd else _message "no options for $cmd" fi else _message "no more options" fi fi } _arguments \ {-h,--help}"[that This help screen]" \ "*::openvpn3 commands:_openvpn3_command" \